dating a non christianEvery Christian who signs up for an online dating site have come across the non-Christian members who contact you even though you specify Christian matches.  If you are not on a strictly Christian dating site then you are searchable by all members no matter their religious beliefs.  Anyone can contact you and if you do not ask their religion then you may end up dating someone who does not share your faith.  The following are some Christian dating tips for dating a non-Christian:

Do Not Hide Your Religion

Do not hide your religion or your faith from your date.  Be proud of who you are and what you believe in and they will respect you for this.  They may even see the love that you have for God and how it makes your world so much better than theirs.  This is not to say you should push your beliefs on them in a manner that may cause them to stop dating you; instead let them simply see the light.  Your behavior and actions can go a lot further to bring a non-believer to the fold than in your face proselytizing does.  So be proud that you love God and allow your date to see how fulfilled your religion makes you.

Stay True to Your Beliefs

If the single you met on a dating site asks you to go out and you really want to you can say yes certainly.  Just remember to stay true to your beliefs and to not go anywhere that would compromise your religion.  For instance, if you are asked to go to a nightclub for drinks and dancing this is not a proper Christian date.  You should tell the person that this is not something that you could do and ask for a different type of date.  Perhaps going bowling or to see a movie would be a better choice and would allow you to stay true to your faith.

Pray for Guidance

God is always there for you and if you ask him for guidance he will give it to you.  Pray about your new romantic interest and ask God if you are doing the right thing.  He will answer and you will know in your heart if you are making the right decision.  God wants his children to be happy and if this person makes you happy and is a kind and caring soul there should be no problem with you dating them.  Only you and God will know if they are good for you so if you pray hard on this, God will supply you with the answers you are seeking.

Invite Them to Your Church Services or Functions

There is no reason why you cannot ask your date to join you for church services or other church functions.  In any event it does not hurt you to invite them and you may eventually find that they want to be included in your religion.  If they are truly a good person but are not interested in joining you at church you can still date them.  They may just be a bit shy about going into a situation where they feel uncomfortable.  There are always the questions that are asked of them such as what church do they normally attend.  This can make them uncomfortable if they have not been to church in a long time.  Make the offer to take them with you and then let them choose when and if they want to attend services with you.


It can be difficult to meet someone you like at a dating website who does not belong to the same religion as you or who is not a Christian at all.  This does not mean that these types of relationships do not last; it just takes a great deal of patience, tolerance and love on both parts.  You both need to decide if the relationship is worth the work that it will take to make it work.

You may be wondering how in the world is Christian dating like fishing and you would be right to ask.  After all, finding a good man is not easy particularly for Christian women who have a set of morals and beliefs that may not be felt by men in the world.  But if you look at dating and use the same tactics that fishermen use to find their fish, you will be surprised at the outcome.  There is a certain skill to fishing that can be used in the dating world if you put them in to practice. This goes through the process of finding a good Christian man and how you can be success on your “fishing” adventure.

Fishing Basics

When you go fishing, you do not just find a river, lake or pond and drop any old bait in expecting to catch any old fish.  At least, the good fishermen do not do this instead they plan out their fishing excursions to the finest detail.  They know the fish they are looking for, the rod and reel they should use the location where the particular fish can be found and the bait that they need to use.  This is the same in the dating game.  You need to know the type of man you want, what it takes to meet him, where this type of man can generally be found and what you should do to “land” him.  It is all about research and learning the places to go to and those places where the right man is not likely to be found.

Now, there are always times when a fisherman expects to catch bass such as in a lake that is known for them, this does not mean there are not other fish there.  Alternatively, when you go out for catfish, this does not mean you may not catch crappie.  But if you take the time to learn these things, you are more than likely to catch the type of man you want and you can always throw back those who do not have those traits you do not want.  This may sound harsh but why waste your time and the man’s time when he does not have the value system, moral code or religious beliefs that you live by?

Translating Fishing into Dating

In order to find the man you want to date and eventually spend your life with, you can use the above fishing analogy to your advantage.  Here you will learn the techniques that fishermen use but the only difference is that you are looking for a partner.  The following translates fishing techniques into some of the best dating advice for Christian women:

  • What Type of Man Do You Want? – Well, this can be a wide open question but there are some prerequisites that you can start off with.  Do you want a man who is taller than you or who has a certain hair color?  These are very basic questions but they do matter in the long run since you are the one who has to live with your choices.  Since you are Christian, it is assumed that you would like a man with the same faith that you have.  There are many different faith systems in the Christian religion so you should also know if you want to stay within your denomination or if you are alright dating outside of it.
  • What You Should Use to Find a Man – Your mind is the rod and reel that you should use to find a man that you want to be with.  You can do this by being smart enough to detect someone early on who is not right for you or who does not bring the values you want in a man.  You can also use this to locate the areas where these men can be found just like throwing out your line in the water brings in certain fish.  Bass are typically found on the shore and catfish are found in the bottom of the water typically wallowing in the mud.
  • Know Where the Fish/Men Are – First of all, you want to target a certain type of man.  This is the same as fishing in that a fisherman will go to the ocean for saltwater fish but the lake or river for freshwater fish.  If you want to find a good Christian man, you are not finding him hanging out at bars or strip clubs.  Instead, cast your line in church or Christian social groups, you can even try a Christian dating site because you know that he has the same love for God that you do.  Even the gym is a great place to look for a good man because you know that he cares about his body and the body is a temple of God.
  • The Bait – You are the bait so if you want to find a good Christian man you do not want to be dressed inappropriately or to suggestively.  Dress modestly while still fashionable and allow him to see the real you and not a person that a good Christian man would not want to associate with.  Your personality is your best bait so make sure to always ask him about himself and his interests and be truthful and honest when he asks about you.  Let him know up front what you want from a relationship and how he would fit into the plan.  While this may seem forward, if he simply wants a sexual relationship and this is not something you want, then you should not waste either your or his time.
  • Reeling Him In – Again, you have to reel him in just like a fisherman reels in the fish he catches on his line only this is a live person so you want to be even more cautious.  There are times that you may find that you got the catfish that was on the edge of the water instead of the bass you were actually fishing for.  Be prepared to let a few go before you find the keeper.  Once you find the keeper or the man you want to get to know better, take things slow and allow the relationship to blossom.  Many a good fish is lost when a fisherman gets too excited and reels in his line too fast and did not allow the fish to work the line properly.  Yes, this step does take the most patience but this is a virtue you should put to good use if you want to find a man who is worthy of your love, time and devotion.

Fishing can be a wonderful sport but it does take patience and determination so be prepared for the down times because once you find the perfect fish/man, the wait is well worth it.  Just remember to look for your man in the right location, to offer the right bait, to use the correct tool which is your mind and personality and reel him slowly.  Some may still not believe that this process actually works but if you use these tips and take them for what they are, a new way of looking at dating, then you can find the man of your dreams and you can have the fairy tale happy ending!